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2004-04-14 - 10:57 a.m.

I feel blessed to be acquainted with such a rich variety of personalities.

People who are brutally honest and rip the floor out from under me.

People who reach out to catch and protect me _ even when they have to lie a little _ because they know I'm not quite strong enough for the truth, yet.

People who have the grace, wit and intelligence to say what they mean and teach me important lessons without tearing me apart.

People who are not threatened by my talents _ who have enough self-worth and talents of their own to understand that we are partners, not competitors.

People who scream nasty names at me when I'm walking down the street and swerve in front of me in traffic _ I feel (if somewhat vaguely) blessed by them too because they are what remind me of who I am and how quickly this will all be over.

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