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2002-01-24 - 6:23 p.m.

let's talk about cabbage.

most of you probably think that cabbage is a benign, if rather stinky, vegetable. most of you are not slovak.

the truth is that cabbage is a weapon.

my dad is cooking cabbage right now. both the smell and the tension in the house are almost palpable.

let me explain (as if you had a choice). my mom hates cabbage. my dad loves it. being slovak, my father associates cabbage with comfort, home, and roots. my mom associates it with gastrointestinal dysfunction. my dad makes at least once a year (more if he can get away with it) his specialty dish of CABBAGE ROLLS. he makes enough of them to feed our family and approximately one thousand uncomfortable guests for eight weeks straight. i like cabbage rolls, i am half slovak, and i grew up on them. every time my dad makes them there is a battle of witty remarks with dark undertones between my parents. i have learned from them that this is what love is...and i am worried.

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