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2002-02-12 - 3:59 p.m.

i have an overwhelming attraction to tract housing. Boxy, drab-colored mega-plexes with no personality next to freeways. I have been considering this attraction for quite a while. It is not good for my self image to think of myself as the type who wants to move into such a dull, oppressive environment.

But the truth is that i want it.

I want to blend. I don't want you to see me. You do not Understand and You are No Good and i want to disappear from your Judging Eyes before you see what you want and try to take it.

At least that is what i initially worried about. Upon further analysis I realized that what i REALLY want from tract housing is freedom. I want to INHABIT the space. I want to make it dirty. I want to infect it with my filth. You see, dear reader, I am the worst kind of criminal, I am the kind that blends in with all of you.

more on this later...

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