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2002-02-25 - 6:17 p.m.

i started changing my profile today because i don't feel the same about things anymore. i started thinking that Air has a very cheesy sound, despite the fact that i love them. i realized that i haven't listened to the Marvelous 3 in months, and that i no longer have the same bizarre passion for Britney Spears. i started changing the books too, but then realized that i'm just being cranky and decided to leave them. the problem with an online diary is that it's realtime...my profile (i hope) will change whereas my diary from 4th grade still says "I luv NKOTB."

i have an overwhelming desire to type "yo" after every sentence. "I'm catching up on my correspondence, yo." "Please pass the peas, yo." "Your panties are in a vicious tangle, yo." I know that this entertains only me, but it's still fucking funny. Come to think of it, I am absolutely the funniest person I know. I was thinking about this in bed last night. Despite the fact that people rarely laugh at my jokes (not that I am a joke-teller but more of a dry observer) I am able to endlessly entertain myself. Last night, cuddled under the sheets, i was cracking myself up, no, really, i was, endless giggling of the goofy kind...i wish someone had wanted to share it. Unfortunately most of my funny moments happen in regard to my own head and once I explain both my mental state and the reason why something is funny it is immediately unfunny based on the length of time it took to tell the joke. Even now i am laughing. I was pleased on Saturday night because i was chatting with this fella named Roy who thought i was endlessly entertaining, even when i wasn't saying a thing. At one point I explained to him how distressingly bored i was with everything and then it was like the light went on. He would just look at my expression and laugh hysterically. I love that. I want to wear a sign that says "Inside my head is way funnier than you" but no one would get it. *snortle*

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