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2002-03-04 - 5:53 p.m.

every time i talk with Andie i feel like she is going to understand, even without me explaining. so sometimes i stop short because i think "oh you already know this." but why would i assume that? it's not that we seem terribly alike, or that we know intricate bits of information about each other. but in reading her diary i see one thing in common: we both think we're really loud and we both end up being really shy. hmmm. i guess it goes back to what alora-dream said about wanting to spill her guts...worry that it will be a tidal wave?

at lunch on sunday i had sushi with andie and justin and at one point i became keenly and awkwardly aware of myself. i tried to figure out what was wrong and realized that i am not used to people who devote their full attention when i am talking. i thought to myself "oh my god, what am i saying? ... oh they're just LISTENING" eek! it made me happy to spend time with them. those two reaffirm my faith in effortless connections, warmth and curiosity.

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