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2002-04-02 - 6:21 p.m.

the other day one of my customers at Starbucks� offered me a job. apparently he and his wife own a small business and they had "noticed" me working at Starbucks� and thought i was "intelligent." because i am in a customer service position, and therefore not required to think, i immediately exchanged information with the fellow. not because i wanted the job or because i had any idea who he was, but because i don't know what to do when someone wants my phone number. i just give it to people. i have to make a concerted effort to say something like "i'm sorry i don't give out my number." it's very weird. but that's not the point of my story. the point is that i immediately decided that i didn't want the job based on the drink he ordered: single venti mocha valencia. "that beverage discounts you from the world of the competent, sir"

but he still has my phone number.

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