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2002-04-25 - 10:04 p.m.

Perhaps this will explain to you How My Brain Works:

I have some difficulty believing that four plus three equals seven.

five plus two is no problem, obviously it is seven.

but the four and the three trouble me.

four is not seven, not even close. three is worse. when they sit looking at each other i immediately think "twelve" which is absolutely wrong. occasionally i want four and three to be sixteen, just because.

four and three are too independent to be seven, they are arrogant, spiteful even, they don't like seven. but five, five is very close to being a seven. five is the eager younger sibling of seven. and two is too weak to protest, five takes over and "seven" exists almost inherently.

but four and three just sit there in silent protest waiting to be something else.

while i am bad at math, i am fantastic at statistics: there won't be any of you who understand this entry.

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