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2002-05-04 - 3:03 p.m.

this morning i awoke with what felt like a hangover. due my complete lack of alcohol consumption on the previous night i can only assume that my hangover was due to an overdose of either sushi or gummy bears.

perhaps it was the combination of raw fish and gummy candy that gave me the splitting headache and drowned me in waves of nausea as i drove to my final "super saturday" conference.

it was worth it.

katy and i did exhaustive comparative tests between three brands of gummy candy, including but not limited to:

1. squish factor (including ability to hold a fingerprint)

2. smell (does it smell like industrial solvent?)

3. cuteness (why do they put "hair" on gummy bears? and do the "arms" potentially function as gummy-breasts?)

4. flavor (does it taste like industrial solvent?)

5. trajectory with which said candy bounces off moving vehicles (self-explanatory)

we recommend "Black Forest Gummy Bears" made with real fruit juice. Pleasantly chewy, despite the low squish factor, with flavor far superior to that of Farley's. The green bears are a surprising sour apple, a deviation from the toxic "lime" standard of other brands. The red had a pleasing though puzzlingly Kool-Aid sensation on the tongue. When vertically compressed the arms definitely looked like breasts. A triumph in bear-shaped food.

we came to the conclusion that exhaustive testing causes stomachache.

afterwards, katy and i decided to make up modern dance moves to poetry and phrases. she gave me "candle in the dark night" and i gave her "parakeet failing to charm."

much laughing ensued.

then we composed a haiku.

the thing i absolutely love about katy is her openness. my time with her is never dull and i often leave her feeling inspired. she is not afraid of her abilities. i am in awe of her ability to embrace the ridiculous and move beyond self-consciousness without degrading her artistic values. every time i see her i learn a little bit more about the Process. she moves away on monday and i will miss her.

after my conference today i had lunch with clark. we talked about "the perks of being a wallflower," i am glad to have someone to talk with about books, somtimes i forget how important they are to me.

i ran into a group of my students outside of the restaurant, they all stared at me with wide eyes and one of them murmered a hello. i realize that my students will instinctively banish me to the land of "things that do not exist in the real world" however i was not entirely prepared for the horror that my actual existence in the real world presented.

there were no baby ducks in the park.

now i'm home, looking forward to seeing friends and watching my very favorite guy in the whole world sing songs tonight.

update completed, despite the fact that it hasn't even begun.

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