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2002-05-25 - 6:02 p.m.

daily life has the un-nerving effect of reducing my I.Q. i attempted to pick up The History of Sexuality the other day in order to re-introduce the concept of thinking into my daily life only to realize partway through the first page that all i really wanted to do was take a nap. yet i am terrified by all that i don't know. there is not enough time to acquire all of the knowledge i desire. how could i possibly allow myself to sleep ever again? though perhaps it is my dreams that make me smarter...maybe i should sleep more...or maybe i just watched Waking Life again and i'm under the influence of film.

Lately I have been accused of thinking too much. I realized last night, during a documentary film about Burning Man, that i absolutely do not think/know/analyze/conspire enough. i am convinced now that everyone who tells me to stop thinking is really just trying to control and oppress me. I DEFY YOU!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (manical laughter). or, i'll just take a nap.

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