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2002-06-18 - 10:12 p.m.

i feel compelled to update so you all don't forget about me.

right now i am drinking zinfandel. i am wearing red open-toed high heels. i am alone. i suppose this is when i ask you for your credit card number.

today is your lucky day, my thoughts are free.

do we ever figure things out? i was under the impression, in my vulnerable youth, that i would one day discover the answers. it becomes more apparent to me, as the seconds tick by, that there are no answers, no one knows anything and we are all just flailing about, splashing and diving and choking and blowing bubbles in some big cosmic swimming pool. i'm not sure why the swimming pool image keeps surfacing (ha ha), perhaps because swimming pools are largely for recreation but still have an element of life-threatening urgency/danger and it is our choice to swim, float, or drown. at different times i have consciously made all three of these choices accordingly. right now the water seems cold. bored and unwilling to finish entry.

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