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2003-01-31 - 2:49 p.m.

I really love Aloradream and Actiongrl


well, i'll tell you.

Laura gives you a double blink when she's listening closely and she doesn't let you get away with (or condemn you for) your crap.

Andie doesn't mind if you're outfit accidentally matches hers and she giggles at your jokes, even when they're not funny.

We all like to make up little songs about everyday things and we all like to talk about politics...but not too much.

We all like to learn.


what fun! with them i feel giddy and chatty and goofy and smart. so much so that i flap my arms a lot and occasionally snort.

i'd also like to note that people who like to eat are always near and dear to my heart. stabbing my fork into Laura's calamari, scraping up the sauce on Andie's plate and stuffing prosciutto into my mouth is a great pleasure amid talk about politics, art, fashion, boys, insecurities and chicken picatta.

the beautiful thing is the more you say the more there is to talk about and the more fun everything is.

when i think about all the unique and inspiring women i know via bitnet and burning man and college and kindergarden and work i realize that i can have a lifetime of thursday nights full of different combinations of fascinating people.

though don't blame me if i get stuck on just a few of them.


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