
Other Diaries

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2003-12-04 - 2:22 p.m.

Random and incomplete list of things I want to do with people that I like:

Eat Indian food at Brahma Bull with Boris, Amy, Adam and whoever else

Go dancing with Clark

Sit in a warm cafe on a rainy day and talk and write with Ash

Eat Thai food with Laura and Andie

Share a cup of African Nectar with Michelle

Make dinner and watch a good movie with my parents

Go bowling with Skot and learn about Costa Rica

Have a Weetzie Bat Tribute Day with Beth and Eileen

Visit Danielle and make up songs like we always do

Work with Katy on our top secret project

Talk about meditation with Wayne

Talk with Dave Marr about evacuating the ego

Watch a bad rental movie and erupt into uncontrollable giggles while doing impressions of our families with Megan and Josh

Listen to blues at Eli's with Josh

Eat sushi and watch Rivers and Tides (again) with Adam

Eat cookies and watch the Two Towers in bed with Adam (gee, he comes up a lot doesn't he?)

Create a body of work with Diana (yeah, I don't know what that means either and yes, I am hitting on you)

Bake bread in the shape of people with Alex and Diana

Tickle the Prophecyboy

Check out a poetry reading with Tara

Have some more tea and long talks with Jason

Get back in contact with Haikuman and share writing

Take a voice lesson from Milla

Visit NYC Jason

Visit Jolene and Vicky in London

Take Dave and Ray out to dinner

What else?

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