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2003-12-26 - 4:12 p.m.

Remember Short Attention Span Theatre?

It was created for me.

Today at 11 a.m. I needed to look up a club's listings for the calendar so I went to their website. It hadn't been updated so I decided to check one of my alternate e-mail addresses to see if the promoter had e-mailed the listings to me.

I had 354 new e-mails at that address so I spent a while cleaning out the spam and filing what I needed. Then I was inspired to sort through the 750 messages I have been ignoring in the inbox for my main address. I managed to delete or file away all but 17 of the messages.

Then I was really really hungry so I went to Trader Joe's and bought some lunch and ate it. Then I distracted myself by writing love letters to two of my friends and looking up the spelling of the word loquacious.

Now it is 4:21 and I still don't have the listings for next weeks shows at Eli's, nor do I care anymore.

I suppose focusing is not my forte.

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