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2005-03-02 - 10:27 p.m.

On some occasions (most) when my head is way too far up my ass, I forget that I work with and know a whole bunch of goddamned geniuses.

So on those rare occasions when someone or something has shocked me out of my self-involved state I can recognize what immense talent surrounds me all of the time and I can feel really, really, really lucky.

And also really, really stupid for forgetting to remember to notice what is already in front of my face.

What is it that I am doing with my time that keeps me so exhausted/maligned/self-involved?

Well let's see:

I have a new beadspread from Ikea.
I drive to work every day.
I bathe.


Just a few quick calculations and...yep, the most exciting thing about me right now is a $20 beadspread that makes me itch.


(On a side note, I'm beginning to suspect that I'm a drama queen. I wish that was a flattering thing to be but, alas, it is not. Despite appearances I am not bitter about this, merely observing.)

And thank you Shaun, for thinking of me when you eat jam. I have been planning to make jam (I even bought the jars!) and when I do there will be a bottle with your name on it.

And perhaps jam that goes well on potatoes for Jason, because I can never seem to call him back in a reasonable, appropriate calling-back sort of way. Sorry.

Actually I never call anyone back in a reasonable, appropriate calling-back sort of way, including my mother. She does not like that about me and, I imagine, neither do you.

Fin. Again.

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