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2006-10-02 - 11:34 a.m.

Turns out I'm a hater.

After spending my youth immersing myself in jargon like "sex-positive", "phallologocentrism" and "community-supported artistic expression" I am now tired, embittered and I want out.

Which is sad. No?

No. Actually. It's not.

It just means I no longer want jargon to dictate who I am or what context my reactions to the universe are supposed to be categorized in.

You now have to deal with me. As me.

Assuming you have something to teach me is the best assumption you can make. Please do teach me something.

Lord knows I need some learning.

Assuming you will teach me something by whipping more tired-ass dead-on-the-tongue jargon at me is a terrible, terrible mistake.

Just teach me by being, please.

Thank you.

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