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2007-02-22 - 8:05 p.m.

I'm waiting for the internet to tell me something tonight. A sign? Maybe some instructions.

After all, the internet is the largest and most amorphous sort of knowledge I'm familiar with, being slightly underdeveloped in the department of spirituality.

So I'm hoping the big machine, the big invisible tangle of of knowledge and IP addresses is going to tell me something, something I can use. Because I've been searching for days - using the only spiritual advisor I know, Google - and so far, I've got nothin'.

I guess I'm hoping all the particulate human knowledge floating around out there will coagulate into something that will make me better, smarter, more savvy in the ways of the world.

I know I should just read a book.

But I suppose I would rather send messages out into the ether, drink a little too much, listen to sad songs and wait for a sign from space.

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