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2001-10-30 - 2:39 p.m.

Saturday, June 30, 2001

Who Owns You?

5:21 PM

I am starting a club. People Who Shit. You can join. Anyone who shits can join. Anyone in the entire world. If you are famous, infamous, completely unknown. YOU can be in my club. YOU can be a part of something. YOU will have a place in this world. Liberating isn't it? Exciting isn't it? Wholly moving and wretchedly paralyzing isn't it? WHAT will you do? You will be a person who shits. No one can take that away from you. Rejoice. You are not alone.

5:05 PM

Thursday, June 28, 2001

despite desperate attempts to avoid myself, i am back.

i have a sign above my desk that says: "You Can Not Get Away From Yourself" in big bold Sharpie TM letters framing a moodily lit photograph of my own eyes taken by my college roommate.

it is absurd, really.

the sign above it is as follows:

<-------- This Way --------->

a somewhat inaccurate reproduction but hopefully sufficient for my myriad of educated and obtuse readers.. *ahem*

i have learned that i can not say no.

which also makes it hard to say yes.

i am stuck in a cycle of "maybe"

and i don't even want to commit to that.

conversely and simultaneously i am completely ready to dedicate my life to any and every thing that resembles passion.

at the expense of my better judgement because my better judgement has gotten me nowhere.

goodbye senseandsensibility hello thebaringofmysoul

watch out. it will be ugly for a while.

5:38 PM

sometimes a girl is just a girl. and sometimes a girl wants to be a girl. and sometimes a girl wants to have boundary issues. and sometimes that is all she wants to say.

5:36 PM

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