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2001-11-09 - 12:59 p.m.

last night adam and i went to dinner at Kazoo in SJ's Japantown. i like Japantown because it makes me feel like i am somewhere other than San Jose. Not that San Jose is so bad, but i like the feeling of leaving without having to go too far. (i am tempted to analyze this right now but i won't because i am trying to create a temporal reading experience.)

during dinner adam showed me his Red Binder which contains all sorts of the mischief and creativity that is constantly playing in his head. mostly it contains diagrams of art ideas and lyrics to songs and such. i am constantly impressed by his ideas, they are so well thought out and yet full of original energy. i think i am most impressed that all of his ideas seem to have a possible tangible application. he knows how to make them work. he thinks for a purpose and makes it happen. this type of process is so totally polar from mine that i can only sit in awe. i spend a lot of time thinking but i don't ever place the cerebral into the real. i always seperate my thinking world from my real world. i love that he feeds my head, and i realize i don't devote enough time to this practice because i am constantly gauging my emotional temperature and trying to see if it matches up with his. i would like to spend more time on ideas and less time worrying/re-reviewing the same questions.

in regards to the seperation between thoughts and the real world, we saw "Waking Life" after dinner. visually stunning and psychologically purging, my happy little brain was doing joyous somersaults. basically what the film comes down to is a bunch of people talking, which is all i ever really want out of life anyway. constant philosophy and fluidity between consciousness, memory, and the moment. i felt engaged in the mono/dia logues on the screen without having to be even remotely fascinating myself. (of course this laziness is not something that i admire when i look in the mirror.) interestingly enough, most of the problems that i assert to myself and turn over and over in my hands on a daily basis were addressed in the film. so many questions/ideas that i had throbbing in my brain, problems of language and space and consciousness, were all yanked out of my throat before i ever could have articulated them. i couldn't sit still, i wanted to sleep and walk and laugh and fuck and think all at once. i wanted to sit and talk for hours, i wanted to have something to SAY again.

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