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2001-11-17 - 6:01 p.m.

i like to paint.

i have no formal training and by no means call myself an artist, but i like to paint.

i like to paint while wearing a Starbucks TM apron.

ONLY a Starbucks TM apron.

One that i have stolen.

I also like to listen to Britney Spears TM while i paint.

I think it's funny that i attempt to submerge myself in a creative activity while filling my head and covering my body with two blatant symbols of corporate America.

What an obscene denial of art.

I tingle all over with irony every time i do it.

I think this is why i enjoy it.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror once, during a heated moment of red paint, my pale backside round and gleaming as the Starbucks TM two-flippered mermaid logo on my front, Britney singing "Oops I did it again..."

It was one of my finest moments (so far).

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