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2001-12-05 - 12:04 p.m.

i am beginning to hate my online diary. it is getting me into trouble. plus i feel like it is a burden to update...maybe i just feel like lots of things are a burden these days when they really aren't.

last night i stayed home instead of hanging out with cute adam because i was bleary, exhausted, and emotional, as well as feeling guilty for not studying. i worried for a while that it was a mistake, missing 3 hours or so of fun so that i could sleep...sleeping seems to impede much of my life. not that i'm busy, just weird.

while eating a dinner of crab and bread last night i watched "The Wrinkle Cure" with my parents. more high quality television programming from our friends at KQED. from this program i learned that if i consume massive quantities of salmon i will be a happier, healthier, younger-looking person. if i eat approximately one whole 14 pound salmon a day as well as salad, berries and melon for three days straight my skin will become supple, radiant and clear. this is based on the knowledge that all other food is inflammatory and causes swelling and irritation on a cellular level. in addition to burning up all my seratonin and making me a sad little pimple.

i wonder what the salmon think.

are they happy fish? does doctor fish-eater have a contract with fisheries in the atlantic and pacific? are there schools of salmon watching public television and labeling doctor fish-eater evil and planning a hit on him? what if you are vegan? don't vegans have the right to have radiant looking skin? can it be done without the salmon? will i alter my diet because i am gullible? probably yes. i feel very inflamed as it is, maybe it will be good for me. i will let you know. but if you find me dead with fish-hooks in my face, blame the salmon.

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