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2002-02-17 - 12:04 a.m.

ever meet someone who is so in tune with you that spending time with them is almost like being alone, only you aren't alone, aren't lonely and you might even be getting laid?

my best friend in the 7th grade was like that (i wasn't getting laid), we talked for hours and we were silent for hours and all i wanted was her. now i am older and things are more complicated and i have to fill myself up much more than i did back then. i depend too much on other people to inspire me, to keep me sane and to feed my head. i am worried that i have fallen into the trap of believing that the couple is the purest relationship there is. in reality the purest connection i have ever had has been with my friend, in the seventh grade, angry, hoping, lusting and believing.

now this feeling can only happen in tiny flashes, quiet moments, exchanged glances, i guess i am glad i can still have it.

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