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2002-03-27 - 11:42 a.m.

i live with my parents. much of the time this is very nice. or at least that's what i say so i don't sound like a heartless bitch that doesn't care about anyone. i find my space and life violated on a constant basis. one particular problem is violation of the 15 minute buffer zone. when i return home from work i don't want to talk to you, look at you, hear you, or know you're there for at least fifteen minutes. i don't care how smart, gorgeous, sexy or caring you are. i don't care who you are. i don't want to see you. i don't want to hear about the mail, my taxes, your concerns about my welfare and motivation or your list of items you need me to do/address/acknowledge/pontificate upon. i want 15 minutes of peace where i am not judged, qualified or interrogated. this does not mean that i will allow my entire life to fall apart in the 15 minutes of peace, in fact, i would address everything more promptly if given some fucking space.

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