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2002-05-22 - 12:23 p.m.

Last night Danielle and i immortalized our "Marky-Mark" and "Shamu" impressions on One Minute Video. Sometime during the 7th grade we determined that short-lived rap sensation Marky-Mark, of Marky-Mark and the Funky Bunch, and famous Sea World resident Shamu look remarkably similar to each other. It was then up to us to depict the subtle differences to a variety of our friends all of whom, inexplicably, did not understand.

We decided to record our video in a crowded cafe. At one point, during one of the many one minute takes, a gentleman tried to talk to me about the shutter speed of my digital camera. His Clever Observations had allowed him to come to the conclusion that my shutter speed was TOO SLOW. Apparently he felt this was Important Information That Must Be Addressed Immediately. I carefully informed him that I was taking one minute digital video clips. He remained distressed, and I allowed him to remain exactly where he was. Danielle and I enjoyed the rest of our self-indulgent evening. I will miss her when she moves away next week.

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