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2002-05-31 - 10:31 a.m.

my friend jason called me last night, drunk as hell. i hadn't talked to him in months. every conversation with him makes me wish we lived closer to each other again. he is hell bound and determined to get me to move to new york and be his roommate. we would cook gourmet food together and drink ourselves into oblivion and never ever sleep again, just like the city breathing around us. i love the romantic image this conjures up. though i have lived in a city with him, los angeles to be exact, and we spent a lot of time drinking. it wasn't very romantic. we sat around in our dark house in front of the screaming television and inebriated our brain cells with whiskey. we swear to each other now that this was fun. but it wasn't. i like to think that because we are older we will be able to survive it this time...

more on this later

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