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2002-07-12 - 7:12 p.m.

I have been cruel lately.

this is something i remember from los angeles...finally seeing my own cruelty, my own demons, the reprehensible part of my nature.

I have been facing those demons for quite some time now. I have taken them out for drinks, I have gone as far as to let them into my home (as if i could stop them). We have laughed, hard. I dare say we have laughed well. These demons are not the hideous, ugly things you might imagine, oh no, quite the opposite in fact, they are sumptuous, seductive, fascinating. I am willing to put up with their tempermental nature, their unabashed dishonesty and occasional disloyalty just for the grace of their presence, the sound of their hearty, intoxicating laughter. I am my own set of demons after all.

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