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march 5 - 9:53 p.m.

I've been thinking about the word "consumer" lately because it's come up in a variety of forums, from conversations to diary entries to news reports.

I know what it means in the democratic sense, it is an integral part of a free market economy, this "consuming."

But when I think of being a consumer I think about hunger. Not for bodily nourishment, but hunger as the act of desire.

A desire to consume the world.

I am a consumer. I desire to internalize the world and make it mine. To take each experience into my physical and mental being and grow from it. In a way, nourishment is the correct word.

And just as I consume the world, through millions of sounds, sensations, emotions and voids; the world also feeds off of me. I am nourishing this planet and it's inhabitants through my thoughts, actions and existence. When I die I will become food for the worms.


I am a consumer, I am consumed.

Maybe I am a consumer whore, but beware, I might eat you too.

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