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2003-03-03 - 5:17 p.m.

Dear Friends,

I am a Comic Book Hero. No, really, I am. Over the past eight years, two of my drawing friends have decided that I am worthy to be the subject of their comic books.

In the first comic created by my friend Yu, I am "Twitchy Noodlehead," battling evil with an atomic carrot while wearing purple thong underwear. With my sidekick "Mushroom Head Naked Man" we fight for the rights of our people, or at least our rights to wield vegetables in our panties.

A few years later, my friend Jason immortalized my essence in the SuperHero "Death Rock Jenny." (irony) My arch nemesis was "Easy Listening Jenny" and we engaged in epic battles of musical taste and wardrobe. (Don't knock it, having good taste is extremely difficult and I admit that "Death Rock Jenny" may be somewhat loosely based on my own questionable sense of taste.)

ANYWAY, the point is that I am a Comic Book Hero and sometimes when I'm down I like to remember that someone out there thought I was "Hero" material.

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