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2003-04-24 - 4:11 p.m.

Typical Day (this week):

Alarm at 7 a.m., hit snooze until 8 a.m.

Dig through laundry basket for clothes

Stuff two frozen waffles and two veggie sausages into a bag along with a frozen burrito

Stumble on stairs while putting on shoes, lock front door, stumble on stairs down to street.

Walk/run up 24th St.

Avoid garbage, dead birds, drunk people and teenagers peddling stolen CDS.

Stumble down stairs into BART station (not good with stairs)

Barely make/miss train depending on amount of stumbling (see above)

Standing room only on train through 16th, Civic Center, Powell and Montgomery stops, take two seats at Embarcadero stop

Sleep with head on backpack through 10(?) more stops until the end of the line.

Rub eyes and dried out contact lenses repeatedly while exiting train.

Stumble down stairs.

Walk to office.

Sit. All. Day.

Sneak out as early as possible.

Barely make/miss train depending on ability to sneak out. (see above)

Read/sleep on ride to 24th St.

Avoid drunk people and hipsters on the walk home.

Unlock door.

Listen to silence.

Wonder. about everything.


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