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2003-08-13 - 4:21 p.m.

Sometimes I get crabby and forget how much I love Adam.exe. Let it be known that I absolutely adore him.

I love how he wants to know every single specific detail about every single thing so he can take it apart, re-build it and then make his own, better, version.

I love that he challenges me about my actions and doesn't let me get away with any crap...especially when I am trying to get away with a bunch of crap.

I love how he will try anything once but holds his ground if he doesn't want to do it again.

I love that he says the word "essentially" with great frequency.

I love how smart he is.

I love that he stubbornly refuses to smile for pictures.

I love his endless capacity for kindness and forgiveness and his ability to (try to) love almost anyone he meets.

I love that he can balance a sharp sense of reality with enough idealism to dream.

I love that he lets me, and other people, be afraid.

I love that he thinks about his actions and considers the repercussions.

I love that his laughter is sudden, pure and full of joy.

There is more, too.

Also, it makes me happy that there is a Bay Area Carnivorous Plant Society.

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