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2003-08-15 - 1:28 p.m.

Sometimes I think dance is the perfect art form. It makes you inhabit your creativity. You have to breathe, sweat, contort and push your body into expression. You use your body as a tool - no paint, computers, instruments, wrenches or mediums. Just you.

Plus, it ususally includes music which articulates all of the nuances that words fail.

Writing is stupid. It operates in a flawed structure that fails to reach any true tangible reality.

So of course, obviously I was born a writer.

I tried being a dancer for 13 years.

I have no talent.

Actually that's not true, I did have a certain amount of talent...I had presence. But I had no motivation and it doesn't fucking matter what you can do if you refuse to do it.

Anyway, dance is the perfect art form because it forces you to be human.

Let it be known that I no longer dance.

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