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2003-08-18 - 2:49 p.m.

C'mon people, jump into the shallow end with me!

Back in the day I was hot.

No, listen to me, I actually looked good in tight clothing! Strangers would walk up to me and tell me how great I looked, and they weren't even drunk!

Then I got older and stopped doing the things that made me "hot" because it seemed stupid.

And I'm not "hot" anymore.

People who are smart and whom I trust tell me things like "Don't be silly, now you are hot because people can see that there's something going on behind your eyes...you're no longer an object...now you're something even more intriguing."

I really want to believe them. (and I know they're right).

But come on people, the truth is that all you want is Hot. That's all I want.

It's so much more fun, plus you get laid a lot more.

What the FUCK happened?

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