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2003-10-10 - 11:03 a.m.

I am starting a new feature called "Random Facts About My Life" in which I attempt to talk about things that are more tangible than my tangled up feelings. Here goes:

I bought four new articles of clothing to wear to work because I was starting to look scummy. Now my new red sweater is scratchy and twisty and makes me wiggle in my chair. But it has a zipper that goes diagonally from my armpit to my neck so I like it anyway.

Two weeks ago my coat rack broke when I put one too many coats on it and it has been lying on the floor of my room ever since.

I am fantasizing about moving to New York because I have never been there and authorities tell me it is neat.

I hate going to bed with dirty feet.

I finally got one of those big exercise balls that I've been coveting for months. I named it Igby.

The inside of my closet smells like old onions.

A series of cracks run from my ceiling halfway down the walls where they meet the bad burgundy paint job that the previous tenant foisted upon the decorative molding.

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