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2003-10-10 - 3:44 p.m.

There is a piece of deep, dark chocolate melting slowly on my tongue right now which which is a perfect entre into an entry about what gives me pleasure:

Clean sheets and freshly shaved legs.

Breathing deeply in a shower-steamy bathroom.

Eating fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and organic olive oil on pugliese, a pinch of salt and a grind of pepper.

One good cup of coffee. Black.

A stretch that makes the knot of my shoulders ease back into the structure of my bones.

A friendly poke in the bellybutton.


The smell of salty skin.

Forgetting to breathe during a long kiss.

Nearly anything played on the cello.

Other peoples' handwriting.

The luminescent light before dusk turns to dark.

Wandering aimlessly in grocery stores.

The feeling you get when you're driving a little too fast on an open road while on the way to something unknown.

Dark trance and the limitless desire to dance to it.

Waking up on public transportation and wondering where I am.


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