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2004-02-20 - 6:57 p.m.

An absurd entry to cover up the last one:

I bought this pair of sunglasses the other day that I'm embarassed to wear in public.

They're angular and shiny and rose-tinted. They're hot!

They are not me.

But they were me once. I can remember a time not-so-long-ago when these flashy little things were exactly the sort of thing that I would wear. To the grocery, to the clinic, to the bar on the corner, to brunch with my parents.

I wore vinyl pants and go-go boots in high school for godssake.

And now I wonder what has made me so shy, so full of self-hatred, so willing to disappear, that I'm actually EMBARRASED TO WEAR SUNGLASSES.

Admittedly, I know what has made me this way and as much as I think its stupid -- here I am.

So, as an act of rebellion against the god of fashion, I am going to wear my iridescent pink sunglasses and you are going to like them and you are going to tell me you like them or I will pinch you on that little part of your arm that really really hurts when you pinch it. And that is going to be that.

Or I'll just blame Chad because he was with me when I bought them.


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