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2003-07-24 - 11:49 a.m.

I have dined alone for the past two nights.

Not the kind of dining alone that includes wearing your underwear and propping your feet on the kitchen table either, I've dined out. Alone.

The first night was intentional, I needed to review a restaurant and I just wanted to get it out of the way. It ended up being an extremely pleasurable experience with great food, a surprisingly comfortable ambiance and an engaging book.

Last night I tried to get someone to come with me but Laura had to work and no one else wanted to come. So I sat on the back patio and drank my beer, read another engaging book and ate my dinner. Because the movie guy never showed up it was fruitless for me to be there (this was for work, y'all) but I left with a sense of stillness that I haven't had in a long time and when I slept I didn't dream.

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